
Select installation instructions from those most closely related to the operating system that you use below. Note that Augur’s dependencies do not consistently support python 3.11 at this time. Python 3.8 - Python 3.10 have been tested on each platform.

Explanations of Technologies

What does Redis Do?

Redis is used to make the state of data collection jobs visible on an external dashboard, like Flower. Internally, Augur relies on Redis to cache GitHub API Keys, and for OAuth Authentication. Redis is used to maintain awareness of Augur’s internal state.

What does RabbitMQ Do?

Augur is a distributed system. Even on one server, there are many collection processes happening simultaneously. Each job to collect data is put on the RabbitMQ Queue by Augur’s “Main Brain”. Then independent workers pop messages off the RabbitMQ Queue and go collect the data. These tasks then become standalone processes that report their completion or failure states back to the Redis server.

Edit the /etc/redis/redis.conf file to ensure these parameters are configured in this way:

supervised systemd
databases 900
maxmemory-samples 10
maxmemory 20GB

NOTE: You may be able to have fewer databases and lower maxmemory settings. This is a function of how many repositories you are collecting data for at a given time. The more repositories you are managing data for, the close to these settings you will need to be.

Consequences : If the settings are too low for Redis, Augur’s maintainer team has observed cases where collection appears to stall. (TEAM: This is a working theory as of 3/10/2023 for Ubuntu 22.x, based on EC2 experiments.)

Possible EC2 Configuration Requirements

With virtualization there may be issues associated with redis-server connections exceeding available memory. In these cases, the following workarounds help to resolve issues.

Specifically, you may find this error in your augur logs:

redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 111 connecting to Connection refused.

INSTALL sudo apt install libhugetlbfs-bin


hugeadm --thp-never` &&
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
sudo vi /etc/rc.local

paste into /etc/rc.local

if test -f /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled; then
   echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

EDIT : /etc/default/grub add the following line:


Postgresql Configuration

Your postgresql instance should optimally allow 1,000 connections:

max_connections = 1000                  # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 8GB                    # min 128kB
work_mem = 2GB                  # min 64kB

Augur will generally hold up to 150 simultaneous connections while collecting data. The 1,000 number is recommended to accommodate both collection and analysis on the same database. Use of PGBouncer or other utility may change these characteristics.

Augur Commands

To access command line options, use augur --help. To load repos from GitHub organizations prior to collection, or in other ways, the direct route is augur db --help.

Start a Flower Dashboard, which you can use to monitor progress, and report any failed processes as issues on the Augur GitHub site. The error rate for tasks is currently 0.04%, and most errors involve unhandled platform API timeouts. We continue to identify and add fixes to handle these errors through additional retries. Starting Flower: (nohup celery -A augur.tasks.init.celery_app.celery_app flower --port=8400 --max-tasks=1000000 &) NOTE: You can use any open port on your server, and access the dashboard in a browser with http://servername-or-ip:8400 in the example above (assuming you have access to that port, and its open on your network.)

Starting your Augur Instance

Start Augur: (nohup augur backend start &)

When data collection is complete you will see only a single task running in your flower Dashboard.

Accessing Repo Addition and Visualization Front End

Your Augur instance will now be available at http://hostname.io:port_number

For example: http://chaoss.tv:5038

Note: Augur will run on port 5000 by default (you probably need to change that in augur_operations.config for OSX)

Stopping your Augur Instance

You can stop augur with augur backend stop, followed by augur backend kill. We recommend waiting 5 minutes between commands so Augur can shutdown more gently. There is no issue with data integrity if you issue them seconds apart, its just that stopping is nicer than killing.


  1. Make sure docker, and docker compose are both installed

  2. Modify the environment.txt file in the root of the repository to include your GitHub and GitLab API keys.

  3. If you are already running postgresql on your server you have two choices:

    • Change the port mappings in the docker-compose.yml file to match ports for Postgresql not currently in use.

    • Change to variables in environment.txt to include the correct values for your local, non-docker-container database.

  4. sudo docker build -t augur-new -f docker/backend/Dockerfile .

  5. sudo docker compose --env-file ./environment.txt --file docker-compose.yml up to run the database in a Docker Container or sudo docker compose --env-file ./environment.txt --file docker-compose.yml up to connect to an already running database.