Docker Compose Deployment

This section assumes you have read and configured your Docker installation as detailed here.

The default ports for each service are:

  • backend: 5000:50100-50800

  • frontend: 8080

  • database: 5434


Make sure your database is configured to listen to all addresses to work with the containers. The most common error an improperly configured database throws are

psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Docker Compose

This section of the documentation details how to use Augur’s Docker Compose configuration to get the full stack up and running.


Don’t forget to provide your external database credentials in a file called .env file. Make sure the following environment variables are specified. Don’t specify AUGUR_DB if you want the docker database to be used.

Example .env: .. code:


To run Augur without the database container:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

To run Augur with the database container:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f database-compose.yml up

Stopping the containers

To stop the containers, run docker compose down --remove-orphans. The flag is necessary to stop the database container if you used one; run the command again to delete them.

Once you’ve got your container up and running, checkout out how to use them