Database Commands
augur db
The collection of augur db
commands is for interacting with the database.
The add-repo-groups
command is used to create new repo groups. When given a path to a correctly formatted .csv
file, it will create each repo group specified in the file with the corresponding ID and name.
The .csv
file must have the following format:
Where <repo_group_id>
is the desired ID of the new repo group, and <repo_group_name>
is the desired name of the new repo group.
Each pair of values should be on its own line (indicated by the …), without quotes, and there should be no column headers.
Example usage:
# to add new repos to the database
$ augur db add-repo-groups repo_groups.csv
# contents of repo_groups.csv
10,Repo Group 1
20,Repo Group 2
# successful output looks like:
> CLI: [db.add_repo_groups] [INFO] Inserting repo group with name Repo Group 1 and ID 10...
> CLI: [db.add_repo_groups] [INFO] Inserting repo group with name Repo Group 2 and ID 20...
The get-repo-groups
command will return the ID, name, and description of all repo groups in the database.
Example usage:
# to retrieve the repo groups
$ augur db get-repo-groups
# successful output looks like:
> repo_group_id rg_name rg_description
> 0 1 Default Repo Group The default repo group created by the schema g...
> 1 10 Repo Group 1
> 2 20 Repo Group 2
The add-repos
command is used to load new repos. When given a path to a correctly formatted .csv
file, it will insert each repo specified in the file into its corresponding repo group in the database specified in the config file.
The .csv
file must have the following format:
where <repo_group_id>
is an existing repository group ID, and <git_repo_url>
is the url to the repository’s Git repository, e.g.
Each pair of values should be on its own line (indicated by the …), without quotes, and there should be no column headers.
If you don’t know what repo_group_id
to use, run the augur db get-repo-groups
command to view the repo groups that are currently in your DB; unless you’ve deleted it, there should be a default one that you can use.
Example usage:
# contents of repos.csv
# to add repos to the database
$ augur db add-repos repos.csv
# successful output looks like
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 10
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 10
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
> CLI: [db.add_repos] [INFO] Inserting repo with Git URL `` into repo group 20
The generate-api-key
command will generate a new Augur API key and update the database with the new key. Output is the generated key.
Example usage:
# to generate a key
$ augur db generate-api-key
# successful output looks like (this will be an actual key):
> CLI: [db.update_api_key] [INFO] Updated Augur API key to: new_key_abc_123
> new_key_abc_123
The get-api-key
command will return the API key of the currently configured database. Output is the API key.
Example usage:
# to retrieve the key
$ augur db get-api-key
# successful output looks like (this will be an actual key):
> existing_key_def_456
The print-db-version
command will give user the current version of the configured database on their system.
Example usage:
# to return the current database version
$ augur db print-db-version
# successful output looks like:
> 1
The upgrade-db-version
command will upgrade the user’s current database to the latest version.
Example usage:
# to upgrade the user's database to the current version
$ augur db upgrade-db-version
# successful output if your DB is already up to date
> CLI: [db.check_pgpass_credentials] [INFO] Credentials found in $HOME/.pgpass
> CLI: [db.upgrade_db_version] [INFO] Your database is already up to date.
# successful output if your DB needs to be upgraded
> [INFO] Attempting to load config file
> [INFO] Config file loaded successfully
> CLI: [db.check_pgpass_credentials] [INFO] Credentials found in $HOME/.pgpass
> CLI: [db.upgrade_db_version] [INFO] Upgrading from 16 to 17
> ALTER TABLE "augur_data"."repo"
> ALTER COLUMN "forked_from" TYPE varchar USING "forked_from"::varchar;
> ALTER TABLE "augur_data"."repo"
> ADD COLUMN "repo_archived" int4,
> ADD COLUMN "repo_archived_date_collected" timestamptz(0),
> ALTER COLUMN "forked_from" TYPE varchar USING "forked_from"::varchar;
> update "augur_operations"."augur_settings" set value = 17 where setting = 'augur_data_version';
> CLI: [db.upgrade_db_version] [INFO] Upgrading from 17 to 18
> etc...
The create-schema
command will attempt to create the Augur schema in the database defined in your config file.
Example usage:
# to create the schema
$ augur db create-schema
If this runs successfully, you should see a bunch of schema creation commands fly by pretty fast. If everything worked you should see: update "augur_operations"."augur_settings" set value = xx where setting = 'augur_data_version';
at the end.