Complete Data Model on a Page

The latest version of Augur includes a schema that brings together data around key artifacts of open source software development.

This document details how to create the schema as well as some information on its contents and design.

Complete Data Model, With Key Table Types Highlighted

Augur Unified Schema

Complete Data Model, For Current Release

Augur Unified Schema

Creating the schema

The process for creating the schema is detailed in the database section of the Getting Started guide.

Schema Overview

Augur Data

The augur_data schema contains most of the information analyzed and constructed by Augur. The origin’s of the data inside of augur are from data collection tasks and populate this schema.:

1. augur.tasks.github.*: Tasks that pull data from the GitHub API. Primarily, pull requests and issues are collected before more complicated data. Note that all messages are stored in Augur in the messages table. This is to facilitate easy analysis of the tone and characteristics of text communication in a project from one place.

2. augur.tasks.git.facade_tasks: Based on, but substantially modified in the fork located at The modifications include modularization of code, connections to Postgresql data instead of MySQL and other changes noted in the commit logs. Further modifications have been made to work with augur as well as seemlessly integrate it into data collection.

3. augur.tasks.data_analysis.insight_worker.tasks: Generates summarizations from raw data gathered from commits, issues, and other info.

  1. augur.tasks.github.pull_requests.tasks: Collects Pull Request related data such as commits, contributors,assignees, etc. from the Github API and stores it in the Augur database.

Augur Operations

The augur_operations tables are where most of the operations tables exist. There are a few, like settings that remain in augur_data for now, but will be moved. They keep records related to analytical history and data provenance for data in the schema. They also store information including API keys.

Some key tables in this schema include:

  • config, which contains the config options for the application. Key options include the facade repo_directory as well as primary api key.

  • collection_status, contains the status of each aspect of data collection for each repo added to Augur. For example, it shows the status of the facade jobs for every repository.


The spdx schema serves the storage for software bill of materials and license declarations scans on projects, conducted using this fork of the DoSOCSv2 project: