Creating a New Worker

Worker Setup

  1. If you are hitting an API on a platform like GitHub, or GitLab, follow the pattern in those workers.

  2. If you are analyzing Augur data, the value_worker provides a good example.

What are the key sections?

The key sections you can copy from any worker are illustrated in this example from the Pull Request Worker:

#SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import ast
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import requests
import copy
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as s
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
from workers.worker_base import Worker

class GitHubPullRequestWorker(Worker):
    Worker that collects Pull Request related data from the
    Github API and stores it in our database.

    :param task: most recent task the broker added to the worker's queue
    :param config: holds info like api keys, descriptions, and database connection strings
    def __init__(self, config={}):

        worker_type = "pull_request_worker"

        # Define what this worker can be given and know how to interpret
        given = [['github_url']]
        models = ['pull_requests', 'pull_request_commits', 'pull_request_files']

        # Define the tables needed to insert, update, or delete on
        data_tables = ['contributors', 'pull_requests',
            'pull_request_assignees', 'pull_request_events', 'pull_request_labels',
            'pull_request_message_ref', 'pull_request_meta', 'pull_request_repo',
            'pull_request_reviewers', 'pull_request_teams', 'message', 'pull_request_commits',
            'pull_request_files', 'pull_request_reviews', 'pull_request_review_message_ref']
        operations_tables = ['worker_history', 'worker_job']

        self.deep_collection = True
        self.platform_id = 25150 # GitHub

        # Run the general worker initialization
        super().__init__(worker_type, config, given, models, data_tables, operations_tables)

        # Define data collection info
        self.tool_source = 'GitHub Pull Request Worker'
        self.tool_version = '1.0.0'
        self.data_source = 'GitHub API'

Getting Your Worker to Talk to Augur

In the house keeper block, you need to add something following this pattern, inside the “jobs” section:

"Housekeeper": {
    "update_redirects": {
        "switch": 0,
        "repo_group_id": 0
    "jobs": [
            "delay": 150000,
            "given": [
            "model": "contributor_breadth",
            "repo_group_id": 0
            "all_focused": 1,
            "delay": 150000,
            "given": [
            "model": "issues",
            "repo_group_id": 0
            "delay": 150000,
            "given": [
                "<given specified in your worker>"
            "model": "<model specified in your worker>",
            "repo_group_id": 0

In the Worker block you need to add something like this:

"Workers": {
    "contributor_breadth_worker": {
        "port": 48234,
        "switch": 0,
        "workers": 1
    "facade_worker": {
        "port": 48868,
        "repo_directory": "/Volumes/repo_two/repos/augur-prwrt/",
        "switch": 1,
        "workers": 1
    "your_worker": {
        "port": <some port not otherwise in use>,
        "switch": 1,
        "workers": 1

There should NOT be a comma after the final entry in each block.

ALSO, if you wanted to have those blocks installed with auger itself when you do the PR, you need to add them to the $AUGUR_ROOT/augur/ file. The recommended way is to set a port range not already in use and assign a random variable range with the others, like this your_new_worker_p = randint(56500, 56999) … its totally ok to compress a couple other port ranges for this process.

You can copy the housekeeper block verbatim from what you added to your own augur.config.json. For the worker block, in the it would look like this:

"your_worker": {
    "port": your_worker_p ,
    "switch": 1,
    "workers": 1

The switch variable tells Augur to run your worker. The worker variable tells Augur how many to run. We recommend you begin with the number 1.

Let us know if that works. I will add this to the documentation.