Configuration Commands

augur config

The augur config commands are for interacting with Augur’s configuration file.


The init command is used to create a configuration file, by default named augur.config.json. Each of the available parameters is optional, and can also be configured using an existing environment variable. Below is the list of available parameters, their defaults, and the corresponding environment variable.


Database name for your data collection database. Defaults to augur. Set by the AUGUR_DB_NAME environment variable


Host for your data collection database. Defaults to localhost. Set by the AUGUR_DB_HOST environment variable


User for your data collection database. Defaults to augur. Set by the AUGUR_DB_USER environment variable


Port for your data collection database. Defaults to 5432. Set by the AUGUR_DB_PORT environment variable


Password for your data collection database. Defaults to augur. Set by the AUGUR_DB_PASSWORD environment variable


GitHub API key for data collection from the GitHub API. Defaults to key. Set by the AUGUR_GITHUB_API_KEY environment variable


The directory on this machine where Facade should store its cloned repos. Defaults to repos/. Set by the AUGUR_FACADE_REPO_DIRECTORY environment variable


Path to an existing Augur config file whose values will be used as the defaults. Defaults to None. This parameter does not support being set by an environment variable.


Flag for writing the generated config file to the source code tree, instead of the default $HOME/.augur. For developers use only. Defaults to False.

Example usage:

# to generate an augur.config.json file with all the defaults
$ augur config init

# to generate an augur.config.json given all credentials as literals
$ augur config init --db_name "db_name" --db_host "host" --db_port "port" --db_user "db_user" --db_password "password" --github_api_key "github_api_key" --facade_repo_directory "facade_repo_directory"

# to generate an augur.config.json given all credentials and environment variables
$ augur config init --db_name $AUGUR_DB_NAME --db_host $AUGUR_DB_HOST --db_port $AUGUR_DB_PORT --db_user $AUGUR_DB_DB_USER --db_password $AUGUR_DB_PASSWORD --github_api_key $AUGUR_GITHUB_API_KEY --facade_repo_directory $AUGUR_FACADE_REPO_DIRECTORY

# successful output looks like:
> CLI: [config.init] [INFO] Config written to /Users/carter/.augur/augur.config.json